Gps Tracker WordPress Plugin Tutorial 1 – Map

I’ve finally begun building the Gps Tracker Wordpress plugin and it is a lot of fun. The way that I’m doing this is by breaking down the functionality into separate plugins and then adding the plugins together at various stages in the build process. It’s kind of like continuous integration, for a one person team, kind of… I think it’s a really good idea to create small plugins that do just one thing, especially when you are just starting off in Wordpress plugin development (like I am). I’ve already built the first three plugins, which is the map plugin, the route plugin and the database plugin. I’m currently working on the fourth plugin which is the updater plugin. The first three plugins are standalone plugins but the fourth requires two of the previous plugins (database and route) and therefor will be the first integration point.

Check out the first video in our Gps Tracker How-To Series!

I’m pleased to announce that I have created the first video in my new series explaining how the Gps Tracker application works. This first video focuses on the android client since that is by far the most popular platform. The series is going to comprise both a written tutorial and a video tutorial. All of the video tutorials will be on my youtube channel. You can subscribe to my channel to get notified when I create a new tutorial. The android video tutorial is here:

How the Android Gps Tracker Client Works Video on Youtube

and the written tutorial is here:

How the Android Gps Tracker Client Works

I finally had the time to rewrite the android client and to get the background service working as I’ve wanted to for a long time. GpsTracker is now based on work I had done previously on my other website, The big difference between the old mycelltracker app and the new GpsTracker is the introduction of Google Play location services.

With that I want to go into an in-depth discussion of how GpsTracker now works on Android devices. We’ll start by looking at the structure of the application beginning with the five classes used in the app. I’ll first give a brief description of each. Here are the class files on github if you want to follow along:

GpsTracker android client class files on github

How to set up the Gps Tracker MySql database using phpMyAdmin

This problem has plagued a lot of people. I even made a video in 2008 explaining how to use phpMyAdmin. I just watched it again and it’s still relevant 6 years later. Check out the video on my youtube channel, it’s only four minutes and will help:

Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker and PhpMyAdmin

The following are the written instructions for those who prefer it. The first thing you need to do is create a new database. When you have the name of the database, make sure and change it in the php connection file:

Gradle build problem with Android client

Hey Everyone,

I’ve been getting reports of gradle build problems with the Android project. The file in github is the most up to date and should be used now:

Please note there are two files, you need the one in the GpsTracker directory.

Please let me know if you encounter any other problems.

Recent outages on websmithing

Hey everyone, I want to apologize about the recent outages on I was installing an ssl certificate so that I could serve https and installing it was a bit of a challenge.

Developers please note that this website is now using https and all test urls need to be changed on the phone or they won’t work.

Search for this string in the phone source code.


Gps Tracker nominated for “Project of the Month” on Sourceforge!

I was very happy to learn that GpsTracker was one of the top 9 downloaded projects on Sourceforge and was nominated for “Project of the Month”.

If you have checked out the project and like it, would you please log into Sourceforge and vote for GpsTracker:

VOTE: gpsmapper

voting ends February 2, 2014

Thank you very much!

Help! I lost my cell phone.

First off, I’m sorry that you lost your cell phone. That is a bummer. At this point, I’m sure you have retraced your steps and have tried calling your cell phone to see if someone kind hears it and picks it up. You can call your cell phone from your computer using Google voice if you do not have access to another phone:

Quick Start Guide for Gps Tracker

There are 2 parts to the gps tracker application. The server and the clients. The server part needs to be installed on a public web server. It can be installed on a local machine and clients can be tested over wifi so strictly speaking, you do not need a public facing web server but for our purposes, we will assume you have one. There are 2 different servers, one is for and sql server and the other one is for php and mysql. You do not need to install both. How do you choose which one to use?