Gps Tracker for WordPress plugin has been released!

It took me six months of hard work to make the Gps Tracker plugin. I had to teach myself how to create wordpress plugins and that’s no easy task. I’m very excited about this because it’s the only gps tracking plugin on wordpress. Currently, I have it set up to track only one Android cell phone. My plan is to upsell a five and ten pack here on websmithing for $29 and $49 respectively.

My next task is to set up the easy digital downloads plugin and get stripe integration going so that I can do sales directly from my website.

If you want to check out the plugin, you can download it directly from WordPress.

And from your Android phone, you can download the client from Google Play.

gps tracker for wordpress

I would like to ask any visitors and fellow developers to please help me test the new plugin. My main reason for building this plugin is that a lot of people were having difficulty installing the open source version of Gps Tracker and by creating a wordpress plugin, it takes away all that pain.

Also, wordpress now runs 22% of the world’s websites. That is a huge market and I have the only gps tracker on wordpress (did I already say that?). Anyway, I’m pleased to have this behind me, it was an immense amount of work to get to this point. Try it out and let me know how it works for you!

17 thoughts on “Gps Tracker for WordPress plugin has been released!

  1. TonyT

    Hello Nick, So far I’m unable to get my word-press version of the GPS tracker to work. I have installed the latest android app in Google apps, installed and activated the word-press plugin, gave a route name, entered the website address as indicated on the install instructions of the word-press page. Additionally I cant find where to delete the “test” users on the word-press page. Let me know if I need to pay you for the app, if so please give the payment link. I’m happy to do that. -T

        1. Nick Fox Post author

          Hey Tony

          I’m glad you got it working. I just tried to delete one of the routes and saw that it didn’t delete. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I will try to have that fixed and posted to wordpress by the end of the day. I will let you know as soon as I do.


          1. TonyT

            Thats great, I’m glad it wasn’t something I missed. I don’t mind changing the line that allows me to delete I kind of like NOT letting the public facing to be able to delete, as someone could do accidentally or maliciously. It would be really cool to be able to delete certain routes FROM the ADMIN panel only 🙂 I would also like to be able to change the theme colors? 🙂 Thanks Nick I do understand you put a LOT of work into this… I HOPE and pray that you become a huge success with this app. Thank you.

        2. Nick Fox Post author

          Hey Tony, I’ve updated the plugin and gotten delete working and also changed the background color of the button. If you login to your wordpress install, my plugin should show that it needs to be updated. Can you please update it and let me know how if the delete works ok?


  2. RaduJohn

    So, basically, I do not have to install the GPS Tracker linux version anymore, just install the WP plugin?
    I’m game … I’ll set-up a WP session on a subdomain, and will test it, for a small transportation company.
    I will give you the link, when ready, to see it.

  3. RaduJohn

    Dude …. IT WORKS !!!

    This is the website of a friend of mine that does transport. I added a subdomain and a mock-up page. If you see RaduJohn in Calgary, Alberta, Canada … it means it works!

    Congratulations for a great product!

    Email me for a few ideas I can give you to improve the app and make it more marketable.

    1. Nick Fox Post author

      That’s excellent. I’m glad to see it’s working. I’m curious about one thing, did you change the color of the buttons to orange?


  4. steve lescure

    Hum – I installed the plugin – but when i activate the screen turns entirely to white, and then nothing. It locks up the entire site. If I go in and delete the folder plugins/gps-tracker/ the site works again.

    When I have time I’ll try removing other plugins – maybe there’s a conflict. Must be something specific to my site.

    1. Nick Fox Post author

      Hey Steve

      Good to hear from you again. that would be great if you could do that. If you can figure out what plugin is interfering with my my plugin, then I will download the other plugin and try and figure out what’s going on.


  5. Emon Anam

    Hey Tony, I just tried to delete one of the routes and saw that it didn’t delete and also changed the background color of the button. please suggest me !!!!!

  6. cyprian kabia

    hello nick, this is such great work ,i have tested it occasionally and it works flawless. That you took your time to create this is just commendable and i appreciate this even more because i have a project i’ve been working on that has the same basic functionality as yours and id like to reuse some of your code with your permission as well as work with you on it as your experience and finesse is clearly evident . id be honored to work with you. [email protected] thats my email.

  7. Chris

    I tested the plugin. It located my location.
    But to 31 December 2015, I continue to see December 29 to December 29 rout information.
    I had expected an update of very minute as set.
    Also, how do I set up multiple phones for tracking, with your system ?

    Could you please help.

    1. Nick Fox Post author

      Chris, what’s the url for that? And also if you want to track multiple phones, just install the software on another phone and enter your website’s url. It should just start tracking as another route/phone.



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